Our Service
My French Cellar is proud to offer a Personal Wine Collection Importation Service.
We Collect anywhere in France
You have 200 bottles, 400 bottles and more ?
My French cellar will collect your wine colection anywhere in France.
We Orchestrate the importation
Our turn-key solution includes the management of all paperwork's including US customs clearance, the FDA declaration, optimal shipping temperature-controlled conditions to your final location, in United States.
Restricting rules of importations - We manage all paperworks.
"Customs and Border Protection (CBP) highly encourage the wine to be shipped separately from the customer household effects to avoid all of the shipment being held up while the issue is being resolved. It is also recommended to rely on certified wine importers who own a importer permit delivered by Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB)." Source US Department - Customs and Border Protection.
Management of all legal requirements
- FDA and TTB Registration
- US Customs paperwork's
- Inventory Compliancy
- Importation taxes estimation ( Import, Federal, State)
- US Customs Broker
Temperature-controlled Transportation - Your Wine is our Highest Priority
In any season, temperatures observed in standard dry containers, are not compatible with wine transportation. My French Cellar exclusively uses temperature-controlled container for the ocean freight, specially designed for wine transportation, to preserve the quality and integrity of your wine.
They said (in French) about Our Services
Déménager, c’est pénible pour tout le monde. Mais pour l’amateur de vin, l’épreuve peut tourner au cauchemar, en particulier lorsqu’il s’agit de déménager aux Etats-Unis. C’est pour cela que Delphine et Arnaud Le Dévéhat, Français installés en Californie, ont créé My French Cellar.